Spider Drop
A great DIY Halloween party game!
Set up
Use a cardboard box and cut the top and bottom off. Then put a lot of holes into the box. After that all you have to do is put some sticks through the holes. Chopsticks work wonderful for this game. Then put a lot of plastic spiders (I bought my spiders at the dollar store) on top of the sticks and you are ready to play!
The Game
This Halloween party game is similar to the classic Kerplunk game. The object of this game is to be the player that ends up with the fewest number of spiders. Decide which player will go first, and then that player pulls out one of the sticks from the box. If any spiders fall while that player is pulling the stick out, that player must collect and keep those spiders. Then the next player pulls out a stick and this continues until all the sticks have been pulled or all the spiders have fallen. After the winner is decided, put the sticks back in and play again!
Its a simple concept but kids really get into this game. Set up the game and watch the kids enjoy this game at your next Halloween party!