Bobbing for Apples
This easy Halloween game is the most classic of all the Halloween games in America!

You will need a bucket, sink or any container that is big enough for a someone to put their head into. Then you will need water and apples. Put water in your bucket or sink and then put in many apples. The last thing you will need is a place that can get wet. This game will get water everywhere. So maybe having towels nearby is good idea too. A bonus tip; have a camera ready too. When a player gets an apple, its a perfect picture opportunity. Water dripping off their face and hair with an apple in their mouth...that is look to remember! What a fun and easy Halloween game!

The Game
The first time you play this game, will be a day you always remember! The object is simple. Pick up the apples from the bucket. Simple right? But you cant use your hands! It is not an easy thing to do, so it is fun to try and very fun to watch.
You can play were if you can pick up an apple with your teeth you can keep the apple. This is the simple, easy version of this game. But if you want to leve up a bit, then I suggest you try a timed competition. Set a timer for one minute and have a player see how many apples they can pick up without using their hands during that minute. Start the timer and sit back, watch and laugh as the player puts their head in the water, chasing apples with their teeth. This game should be played every year for Halloween! And if sharing apples with people doesnt sound appealing to you, this game can easily be played with other things. For example, I played this game in Japan with individually wrapped cookies. That worked just as well.