アメリカのハロウィンゲーム。トイレットペーパーで【ミイラ/マミー】 になろう!

Mummy Race

This is really a great Halloween game that gets kids running around in excitement!


Set up

The only requirement for this Halloween game is toilet paper and people to play! This is often a multi-team activity and you can have an almost unlimited number of teams.


The Game

To play, you will need one person to be the mummy and at least one person to wrap the mummy in toilet paper. A team of three or four works as well. After deciding who the mummy will be, give each group at three or four rolls of toilet paper. When you say start, the players will pick up the toilet paper and start to wrap their mummy. This is the time when it gets crazy! Kids running around screaming and toilet paper flying everywhere. Its a great time! There are actually two winners to this game. See below.


Winning the Game

The first way to win, is to be the first team to finish using all of their toilet paper on their mummy. This team is the Race Champion!

The second way to win, is the Mummy Champion. Have some judges decide which team made the best mummy. Finishing first is the easy part, making the best mummy is hard! Give the champions a prize and enjoy cleaning up! Everyone will love this Halloween game!

What kid doesnt like to make a mess?
